Creative Nonfiction
There was a map of South Sudan on the wall behind his desk. The lines demarcating the boundaries between states…
Early morning, and I’m sitting on the patio at Dedza Pottery Lodge, staring at a cluster of thick gray-white clouds hovering motionlessly…
One afternoon in Juba, I arrived at the headquarters of an international NGO to find that my interview had just left.
It’s 5:30 p.m. on a Saturday at Mamba Point and business is slow. The Lebanese-owned hotel is one of the oldest in Monrovia…
I’m sitting in the back seat of an old blue and white Russian Lada, looking through the drizzle flecked window at some wet goats…
A friend of mine in Dar, a fellow expat, fell in love recently. I mean with a house. A beach house. If you met him you would agree that he really should live in a beach house…..
On Saturday afternoon, June 18, a group of young men approached the entrance to the Kabul central police station and proceeded to detonate a…..
We hit rough weather thirty minutes out from Bujumbura. A jolt and I could suddenly feel the speed at which we were hurtling…..
We used to talk about it in Dar—what it would be like when we went back. Went home. What overload we’ll feel…..
There’s a moment, when you’re being robbed, when you still have hold of what is yours, and then, in a blurry flash…
There’s a scene in Out of Africa where Meryl Streep and Robert Redford are trekking across the Kenyan wilderness, tracking lions…..
I was waiting at the gate at Johannesburg’s O.R. Tambo international airport, computer in my lap…..